Topher's Grace

My forum for discussing things I like and things that piss me right the Hell off!!!!!! Bush/Cheney=Evil Empire!!!!!! Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, I have others. ~Groucho Marx

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Chris Henry continues to soil my name!

My first post on here was about my surprise when I heard that the Bengals drafted Chris Henry. Since his drafting he has continued to screw up and soil my name. First he gets busted driving without a license or insurance, and he had pot on him. Then just a few weeks later he gets arrested in Miami for pulling a gun and threatening some people on the street. Of course the gun was not registered, and even better he was wearing his Bengals jersey. What a fuck up! Maybe someone should let him sit down and talk to the former Miami Dolphins running back the "Cecil the Deisel" who is in jail for doing stupid shit and will lose the best time of his life locked up. Maybe that will drive the point home. I think that Henry has to be on his last chance with the NFL, one more stupid mistake and the Bengals will cut him, and he will be lucky if anyone picks him up. THat is if he doesn't end up in jail.

Funny side note to his first arrest. At the firm that I work there are two receptionists, one of them picked up the paper and read the headline in the sports page that talked about Henry being busted. She reads it and says to the other "I can't believe that Chris Henry, he gets pulled over, doesn't have a license or insurance and has marijuana on him. What an idiot!" The other says "what when did this happen?! I didn't hear anything about it? Is IKON going to fire him? The first receptionist then says "No Chris Henry from the Bengals!" Not ours! Guess which one was blonde?


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