Topher's Grace

My forum for discussing things I like and things that piss me right the Hell off!!!!!! Bush/Cheney=Evil Empire!!!!!! Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, I have others. ~Groucho Marx

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Why St. Patrick is a Bastard!

For those that don't know, I am vehemently anti-Christian. To be more specific, I really hate all forms or organized religion. I feel that the only true evil in the world is organized religion. All of the greatest wars and massacres that have ever happened throughout history happened because of religion. In my opinion the two types of religion that are the worst about forcing their beliefs on others is Catholicism and Muslim. Although the Muslim religion has been getting the majority of the negative press lately, many more people have been killed by Catholics than Muslims throughout history. Anyway back to my topic. Why St. Patrick is a Bastard! Most likely you might have heard the story about how St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. Well the thing is, there never were snakes in Ireland, it is a cold wet climate island. What the story is actually referring to is that St. Patrick drove the Druids out of Ireland. The Catholic church made it illegal for anyone in ancient Ireland to pratice their native religion, which was a form of Druid/Wiccan belief in a Earth Mother Goddess, and the male God the Green Man or Man of the Woods (also sometimes depicted as the Horned God, because he had Elk like antlers) St. Patrick burned every written text of original Celtic traditional religion. They then also used likenesses of the horned god and made him the Devil. Of course the Catholic church also would not stand for anyone worshipping a female god, and made out anyone that did to be a heretic, that would be burned at the stake. Catholocism adopted nearly all of the holidays of the ancient Celts into their own holidays, they just re-named them. That is what they did to get the Celts to adopt the new religion, well that and burning and killing them. So that is why I do not celebrate St. Patricks day. He is a destroyer of history and a murderer of innocent and peaceful people.


  • At 2:56 AM, Blogger BIG said…

    I can't believe what an amazingly huge retard you are.

  • At 6:25 AM, Blogger Joe said…

    So I got to your blog through Big Jim's blog. Let me point out some things.

    If you are going to complain about the stupidity of others, don't misspell "excruciating" and "therapeutic" in your byline. That's both stupid and lazy.

    The religion is "Islam" not "Muslim." A Muslim is a practitioner of Islam. Appreciate the syntactic.

    I would also recommend you get your facts straight. The Druids were not an innocent and peaceful group, the native Celts, of which I am one, were more than happy to be rid of them as they practiced human sacrifice. Christianity was an attractive religion to most of the Irish for many reasons, including its view of the afterlife. Wicca is a modern religion, it has no connection with ancient Druidism.
    Muslims have killed more people than Catholics. From the deracination of northern Africa and the Middle East to the jihad in the Sudan to the conversion of Indonesia.

    There is much more that you got wrong or misunderstood but I'm not about to put in the time your eighth grade social studies teacher failed to. Read some books, don't just make shit up. Use the Goddamn
    spellcheck. Learn some grammar.

    Thus ends the first and last time I read Topher's Grace.

  • At 3:14 PM, Blogger BDC said…

    I guess that means the blog's audience has taken a significant hit in the condescending asshole demographic...


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