Topher's Grace

My forum for discussing things I like and things that piss me right the Hell off!!!!!! Bush/Cheney=Evil Empire!!!!!! Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, I have others. ~Groucho Marx

Monday, September 25, 2006

Who Dey Indeed!!!

Cincinnati Bengals 28 Pittsburgh Steelers 20! Man is it nice to post that score on here. What an incredible game, very exciting back and forth game that wasn't decided until the very end. It makes the win even more sweeter considering that the win came on Steelers turf and we did it to them they way they used to beat us, with points off of turnovers. I am liking the Bengals chances at starting out 4-0 with New England coming up next.

On the flip side of all of the good things that happened to the Bengals yesterday, yet another Bengal was arrested early Monday morning. Odell Thurman, who is serving a four game drug suspension right now, was busted at a DUI Checkpoint and was found to be driving while under the influence. Apparently he blew a .17 on the breathalyzer which is more than double the legal limit. I heard that Chris Henry was among 3 other Bengals in the vehicle with Odell. I think that we are at the point that the Bengals should force certain players on the team to hire handlers that will follow them in every thing they do, to keep them out of trouble. For fucks sake, hire a freaking driver if you are planning on getting hammered! I just don't get it. At some point, Bengals management is going to have to make an example of one of these guys to make a statement.

So the Bengals counter is back to Zero, they almost made it two full months.


  • At 9:46 AM, Blogger BDC said…

    Robert Geathers seems to be making Big Ben his bitch in that bottom picture :-). Steelers fans were out in force at Pentagon Row Champps yesterday, cheering 1-yard Steeler gains as if they had hit an 80-yard TD bomb. I practically lost my voice mocking them when the Bengals pulled ahead "Go clock! Go clock!” and loudly explaining to Sarah why the Steelers Superbowl XL victory was tainted, which really got under the skin of the Steelers fans sitting at the table in front of us. The Bengals need to re-sign Justin Smith to a succession of 5 consecutive one-year contracts to keep him playing at his current 'contract year' level.

  • At 4:38 PM, Blogger C. W. Henry said…

    It would have been fun to watch this game surrounded by Stealers fans.

    And yes, Chris Henry continues to soil my name.

  • At 9:54 AM, Blogger BDC said…

    Your namesake may go to jail over this if the papers are accurate about it being a condition of his probation that he not drink. Its very sad to see things come to this considering his abilities. The guy is a Steelers killer, sort of the WR equivalent to Bettis against the Bengals all those years. He and Odell are both Pro Bowl talents but they seem content to piss it away. On the bright side, before Marvin came along it probably would have been a Dodge Caravan loaded with half the team completely shit-faced instead of just a few die hard dumbasses like CH, OT and slash jr..


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