Topher's Grace

My forum for discussing things I like and things that piss me right the Hell off!!!!!! Bush/Cheney=Evil Empire!!!!!! Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, I have others. ~Groucho Marx

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Cool Stuff I miss from my Childhood Part 1

Although some will claim that I have never grown up, I am going to post a few things that I miss from my childhood. The first one really never has gone away, but I can remember being very excited to see new episodes of this great show. I can honestly say that there have only been two times in my life that I have cried over the death of a celebrity. The first was Elvis and the second was Jim Henson. I am looking forward to purchasing the Muppet Show DVD's and re-living them with Emmalou, she already enjoys The Muppets in Space movie.

Select Intro #1 and click play for one of my all time favorites!


  • At 11:29 PM, Blogger BDC said…

    The Muppet Show was a huge, HUGE deal to me back in the day. Jim Henson's death was definitely one of those shake your head kind of things (Meanwhile, Pauly Shore will probably live to be 123-years-old and never catch a cold...) At least we had Jim Henson around for a while and his stuff definitely holds up after all these years.

  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger wonny68 said…

    Mego action figures!! I think I miss those the most. Especially since Marvel hasn't been able to produce anything close to them since.
    Show wise I'm kinda at a loss. Lucas has really killed my interest in Star Wars. I enjoy the new Battlestar Galactica though.
    Television... Starsky and Hutch, SWAT, and my Cheryl Ladd poster.:)
    Giant sweet tarts and entire packages of cherry Now and Laters top the candy list.
    I miss Monday Night Football that actually started at 8:00 for those of you who remember when it used to do just that allll those years ago.

  • At 12:50 PM, Blogger BDC said…

    I'm going to throw in Saturday morning cartoons. Yes, there are still cartoons on Saturday, but in this age of Cartoon Networks, DVDs, and DVRs, the kids of today have instant gratification of their cartoon needs. Back in the sixties, seventies and (much of the) eighties you anxiously waited for the Saturday morning fix and were cut off until the following week. Anticipation isn't such a bad thing.

    Also, the days when $5 could buy you an arm load of hot-off-the-press comic books.


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