Topher's Grace

My forum for discussing things I like and things that piss me right the Hell off!!!!!! Bush/Cheney=Evil Empire!!!!!! Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, I have others. ~Groucho Marx

Monday, December 04, 2006

7th Bengals Player Arrested. Who Dey!

Just when I thought my Bengals Arrest Counter might top 2 full months, Reggie McNeal takes the counter back to zero. This bonehead decided it would be a good idea to start fighting with police because he wasn't allowed in a bar that was closing. This is the same idiot that was in the vehicle with Chris Henry and Odell Thurman when Odell got pulled over for drunk driving a few months ago. Apparently he learned nothing from that event. The ironic thing is that after the win vs. Baltimore on Thursday night, Coach Lewis told the team that they would have Friday and Saturday off, but that he didn't want to read about someone getting arrested on Sunday. So much for that.

Personally I think McNeal is a perfect candidate to make an example out of, cut his ass right now, then hold a press conference stating that this type of off-field behavior will no longer be tolerated by the Bengals organization. Probably won't happen, but it should.

Maybe they will throw the book at him in Houston where he was arrested and sentance him to jail time for assaulting a police officer.

Night, night Reggie...keep your butthole tight.


  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger wonny68 said…

    Hey yo! Das' how dey roll in H-town Pard'na. Bettah reconize biotch!!


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