Topher's Grace

My forum for discussing things I like and things that piss me right the Hell off!!!!!! Bush/Cheney=Evil Empire!!!!!! Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, I have others. ~Groucho Marx

Friday, December 15, 2006

Can you say Eight? Sure, sure you can!

Well the Bengals arrest count is now up to eight. Deltha O'Neal adds his name to the list of the arrested, he was pulled over and charged with a DUI on Saturday. It has gotten so bad that the new NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodsell has got involved. It would have been interesting to hear the call that he made to Mike Brown about the antics of his team and the black eye they are giving the NFL.

Somehow, I bet Nancy Zimpher is blaming this all on Bob Huggins.

Real Men of Genius. Mister get drunk at a cheap bar and drive man! Deltha ONeal, This Buds for you!


  • At 12:44 AM, Blogger BDC said…

    How many millions must you have in the bank before you hire someone to drive when you hit the bars?

    And seriously, isn't it about time for Ryan Freel to get busted for something to take a little of the heat off the Bengals?!?


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