Christianity. The New way to rebel against your Parents!
Man I really am beginning to hate middle America. I hate Christians even more, and it just seems like every day there are more and more of them. With their smiling faces and their "Jesus Loves You" Even the ones that don't try to force their religon down your throat, feel sorry for you. The next one that says to me "I will pray for you" is getting punched in the face, and the better fricking turn the other cheek. But I digress, the real meaning behind this post my friends is the fact that I have come to a realization, this generation of kids have chosen Christianity as the new way to rebel against their parents. Case in point, the growing population of 18-26 year olds that are now Christians, we recently had a Young Christians Conference here in Cincinnati and there was something like 30,000 people there. Where I work I am the minority, out of the 14 people that I have that work for me, 8 of them are card carrying christians, they go to church 2-3 times a week and go on missions all over the world, they never want to work Sunday, and you have to watch every little thing that you say around them. The 18-26 year olds of today have parents that were liberal and believed in free speech, and probably voted democrat, their kids have become mindless fucking sheep, they are super conservative, don't like anything that is different from them and vote republican, worst of all they will stand up and defend a fricking moron like GW Bush. This generation will be the one that eventually abolishes everyone's rights to free speech, freedom of religon and freedom to do what you want in your own home, whether it be watching a little porn, or using sex toys with your wife, they will make everything that they consider to be morally wrong go away. You will not be able to watch or listen to what you want, everything will become vanilla. The thing that bothers me most about the "christians" of today is they go to these new churches that are less formal, which is ok, because who really wants to listen to some guy that has never been laid talk about sin? what bothers me is that they are such hypocrites. they go to church, and preach about Jesus to anyone that will stop for 2 seconds to listen to them, but yet they smoke, drink, cuss and have sex. Not that I am against that stuff, but if you are gonna be christian do the whole thing and worry about yourself and not everybody else. Trust me, if I wanted to talk to someone about WWJD I would seek out people to do that with. You fucking mother fuckers, leave me alone and let me do what I want, ever hear "Do what thou wilt, if it harm none"? If this is what our world is becoming, bring on the Antichrist and armageddon. At least I will have fun on the way out. I once had a friend that would go and pray when he got horny, what the fuck is that, when I get horny I jerk off and afterwards I can focus on all kinds of things, if you supress your desires with prayer, that shit builds up and you end up hurting someone. The worst serial killers all considered themselves good christians, coincidence, I think not. Suck on that.