Topher's Grace

My forum for discussing things I like and things that piss me right the Hell off!!!!!! Bush/Cheney=Evil Empire!!!!!! Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, I have others. ~Groucho Marx

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Power of Christ Compels You!!!

Pick Pickler!
Thanks Easter Bunny! Bock, bock! We were visited by the holy rodent yesterday, Emmalou made out like a bandit. I think she probably ate about 6 lbs. of chocolate yesterday. I recieved a nice dark chocolate bunny, because I like my chocolate, like I like my women. Bitter. For some reason Jenny didn't get an Easter basket though. I guess she was bad. I must spank her.

Here's some news that should piss you off. If it doesn't you are a GD idiot.

American Deaths in Iraq

Since war began (3/19/03):
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03)

So 2236 American armed forces and civilians have been killed since Dubya announced "Mission Accomplished" What a fricking jerkoff. I still have that image of him flying onto the carrier, stepping out of the jet with that stupid grin on his face, and then making the announcement, to the cheers of clueless navy personell on the ship. I doubt that they would cheer him now. I sure the hell wouldn't.

I found a interesting picture of Kellie Pickler of American Idol fame. This apparently was her prom picture. I guarantee you that Emmalou won't leave the house in a dress like this, and I will be cleaning my rifle when her date picks her up. Pickler sure is a hottie though. I am also convinced that she has most everyone duped with her dumb hick girl act.


  • At 1:10 PM, Blogger BDC said…

    She's totally playing the Jessica Simpson 'dumb blonde' card to the hilt. The only thing missing are Jessica's buck-tooth caps on her front teeth. Chris has the thing locked up unless he royally F*cks up over the next few weeks.

  • At 8:33 PM, Blogger C. W. Henry said…

    Ama-zone, if their is grass on the field...E
    Emmalou will be able to date, but I will get to meet all of the guys that want to take her out. So that we can come to an agreement. You know the "you touch my daughter, they will never find your body" agreement.

    I think she is hotter than Jessica.

    She would totally get the pinky!

  • At 12:24 AM, Blogger BIG said…

    I don't know what I could possibly add.


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