Topher's Grace

My forum for discussing things I like and things that piss me right the Hell off!!!!!! Bush/Cheney=Evil Empire!!!!!! Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, I have others. ~Groucho Marx

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

No more Diamond Dave

Well terrestrial radio took another hit recently. Diamond David Lee Roth was unceremoniously fired from his morning radio show this past Friday. Apparently it was done in typical rat like CBS Radio fashion. Dave had just finished interviewing a guest and went to break, but the show never came back. They just started playing music. They came in during the break and fired Dave then escorted him out of the building.

Dave was interviewed by the Howard 100 News on his way out, and he stated that he will be contacting Howard and Sirius radio about the possibility of taking his show to Sirius. Who knows, maybe given the freedom of creating his own show, it could be entertaining. If not I guess he will go back to being an Emergency Medical Technician. Wouldn't it be weird to be picked up and put into an ambulance by Diamond Dave?

Of course what he should do, is go to Eddie Van Halen and beg him to take him back as lead singer, then tour as the original band. I would go see them.

So who will replace Dave? Who the fuck cares. But in case you haven't heard it is Opie and Anthony. The same guys that CBS Radio fired a couple of years back for having a couple have sex in a church on air. They are huge Stern wannabees, my guess is they will be fined and off the air again within a year.

I think what would have been sweet is if instead of Dopie and Antney, they replace Diamond Dave with the Red Rocker himself, Sammy Hagar. I don't care who you are, that would be funny.


  • At 5:40 PM, Blogger wonny68 said…

    Replacing Diamond Dave with The Red Rocker would require forethought on the part of CBS, Viacom... And as we know, Les and the boys just don't posses that ability. It would be an absolute coupe if they did that, but it's not gonna happen. My guess on their next step... After they fire "Nancy & Sandy" is to replace them with that FUCK from Chicago, what's his name?


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