Topher's Grace

My forum for discussing things I like and things that piss me right the Hell off!!!!!! Bush/Cheney=Evil Empire!!!!!! Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well, I have others. ~Groucho Marx

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I Like Bush, but Hate our President

Bush Salutes the average American.

I avoided listening to more bullshit from our President last night, but here is what I know from the highlights. Bush intends on using 5000 National Guard members to patrol our borders to Mexico (am I the only one surprised that there are any National Guard left?) If you break it down to three shifts, that means there will be one Guard for every 1/2 mile. Not sure how that will work. I guess it is better than what we have now.

Saturday Night Live had a pretty good joke about Bush's approval rating this past week. During the News section, Tina Fey said "The presidents approval rating dropped to a record low of three dollars per gallon".

Here are some funny pics of our Great President.


  • At 2:16 PM, Blogger BDC said…

    I don't have a problem with using the National Guard to help secure our porous borders, but this is less about stopping illegals than it is a desperate attempt by Dubya to prevent a Republican house-cleaning in the next Congressional elections.

  • At 7:44 PM, Blogger wonny68 said…

    You hit it squarely on the head Doug, that's exactly what the little prick is doing.
    Oh and ama-zone... I know of at least two lesbians closely related that actually VOTED for Bush. I thought they were confused before, but now I'm convinced.

  • At 8:33 AM, Blogger C. W. Henry said…

    I wonder how long it will be before Bush announces a high level terrorist alert, to divert negative attention away from him for a while.

  • At 9:32 AM, Blogger BDC said…

    The saddest thing I can add to this is my experience covering the presidential debates for the Athens Messenger while I was at OU and the overwhelming number of people I interviewed living in the heart of dirt-poor Appalachia who were staunchly Republican and behind Bush. On top of that the Campus Republicans were extremely organized, skilled and practiced at brow-beating anyone expressing a liberal thought on what was supposed to be a very liberal campus. As you may have heard, Dubya just signed a $70 billion tax-cut aimed at investors and upper-middle income families. Of course the rich love those low capital gains taxes, because it means they keep more of that fat dividend check from their Exxon-Mobil stock, thanks to those record oil profits.


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